ST. CROIX — The town of Christiansted is Ricky Messer’s (seen center in the above photo) stomping grounds. You can find him — and a number of other Christiansted diehards — during their time off sitting under a tree adjacent to the old Scotiabank in town (now a credit union), “cooling out”, as Caribbean people say, and talking the news of the day.
But the town was dirty, and it had been so for years, says Mr. Messer and the other men who gathered on Sunday morning from 6:00 a.m. to help clean the main road (king Street) and sidewalks, beginning at Time Square and ending just past Government House.

The group enlisted some help from the VI Fire Service, which sent two trucks and firemen to power wash the road after it was cleaned, and help shovel the dirt left behind into a wheelbarrow.
For the entire week, Mr. Messer had paid an individual to do preparatory work by removing the grass and weeds along the sidewalks.

By the time the job was done, the cleaned roadway and sidewalks gave the town a different feel, one of cleanliness, and one Mr. Messer and his group of fellow Christiansted diehards — along with the entire St. Croix community — could appreciate.
Mr. Messer said his hope is that their effort in Christiansted will spark others to come together and clean their own communities throughout the territory.