ST. THOMAS -- The Supreme Court of the Virgin Islands on Wednesday upheld the decision of the Superior...
Territory May See Veterans Cemetery Through DeGazon-Sponsored Bill
Limetree Bay Willing To Provide $10 Million To Help Add Life to a Dying G.E.R.S.
American Airlines to Serve St. Croix With New Flights Next Summer
Arthur A. Richards K-8 School Hosts Anti-Bullying Campaign
Man Dies During Early Morning Car Accident on St. Croix; Driver of Car Arrested (Updated)
Bill Aimed at Regulating Credit Use by Gov't Departments and Agencies Among Others Held in Committee
Juan Luis Hospital Announces Completion and Availability of Mobile Dialysis Facilities
ST. THOMAS -- The Supreme Court of the Virgin Islands on Wednesday upheld the decision of the Superior...
ST. THOMAS -- A second person has been killed in St. Thomas in 2017 through gun violence, V.I.P.D. Media...
The University of the Virgin Islands is pleased to welcome Dr. Kevin L. Williams as its new Vice Provost...
ST. CROIX -- Troupe owners looking to participate in the Crucian Christmas Festival 2016-17 parade activities...
Spring semester classes at the University of the Virgin Islands are scheduled to begin on Monday, Jan....
The V.I.P.D.'s strategy of creating high visibility by placing patrol vehicles in areas known to have...
The World Tourism Organization has dedicated 2017 to the advancement of sustainable tourism, and the U.S....
ST. THOMAS -- A man was shot dead in St. Thomas on New Year's Day, V.I.P.D. Media Specialist Sakeeda...
The Virgin Islands Police Department is keeping with its promise of heightened patrol during the holiday...
As a result of recent action taken by the Federal Communications Commission that affects carriers nationwide,...