ST. THOMAS -- Senators Positive Nelson, Janette Millin Young (Democrat), Alicia Hansen, newcomer Dwayne...
Territory May See Veterans Cemetery Through DeGazon-Sponsored Bill
Limetree Bay Willing To Provide $10 Million To Help Add Life to a Dying G.E.R.S.
American Airlines to Serve St. Croix With New Flights Next Summer
Arthur A. Richards K-8 School Hosts Anti-Bullying Campaign
Man Dies During Early Morning Car Accident on St. Croix; Driver of Car Arrested (Updated)
Bill Aimed at Regulating Credit Use by Gov't Departments and Agencies Among Others Held in Committee
Juan Luis Hospital Announces Completion and Availability of Mobile Dialysis Facilities
ST. THOMAS -- Senators Positive Nelson, Janette Millin Young (Democrat), Alicia Hansen, newcomer Dwayne...
ST. THOMAS -- WAPA Executive Director Julio A. Rhymer, Sr. announced Friday the extension of potable...
Unlike last weekend when the Department of Planning and Natural Resources declared that four beaches...
ST. THOMAS -- Jurors empaneled to hear the trial of Mario Emanuel, above, convicted him of weapons charges...
Even as the Zika virus infection rate in the territory appears to be receding, this week, the Department...
The Women’s March on Washington has inspired over 300 “sister marches” to take place from 10:30...
ST. THOMAS -- In a special session on Thursday, the University of the Virgin Islands Board of Trustees...
V.I.P.D. Public Information Officer Glen Dratte announced the following arrests that occurred in the St. Croix...
Thirty-five Virgin Islands National Guardsmen (V.I.N.G.) departed the territory on Wednesday to support...
Fifteen Virgin Islands educators have been awarded $26,648 for marine environmental projects that aim to educate...