Fifty-five Juan F. Luis Hospital (JFL) employees and 11 persons from the public and private sectors who completed coursework at JFL in Six Sigma business strategy certification, were lauded by hospital CEO Kendall Griffith at a special graduation ceremony held Friday at the Virgin Islands Cardiac Center on St. Croix.
The specialized training was offered to hospital employees and community members in order to help improve working conditions at JFL.
“Central to every organization is its ability to continuously and strategically analyze its methods to bring about the highest and best use of available resources and personnel,” Griffith said. “Today’s graduates have taken an important step in learning new models of management that will help to further transform JFL’s infrastructure and overall strategic development.”
He continued, “It is for this reason that we decided to make the Six Sigma certification training available to the greater community. At JFL, I frequently talk about a revolution or culture change underway, one born of the need for greater accountability, an increased focus on customer service, and better financial controls. The training in the Six Sigma methodology is but one step that JFL is taking to help create a new work dynamic that is more responsive and more responsible to the people of this community.”
Six Sigma is a system consisting of several methods of analyzing a company’s processes for flaws in order to foster efficiency and improvements. It is a widely popular business strategy in the professional world, consisting of highly statistically and data-driven methods. Six Sigma is also a hierarchy system, consisting of Yellow, Green, and Master Black Belt levels–yellow, representing beginners; green, intermediate; and black, representing the highest level that can be reached.
The Six Sigma certification is available to JFL employees, as well as members of the public, private and non-profit sectors.