A Mother’s Love is mystic, not external love from just above, but love birthed deep inside, something she cannot and doesn’t hide.
From the pain she suffers as she gives to us birth, to the silent suffering she fears when sons and daughters hurt or are no longer here on Earth. A Mother’s pride beams, like sun rays in the day, it gives our path light when our days are like nights.
A Mother’s love can fix like some magic trick it picks you up in spirit, even when you’re sick.
Then how can it be written for all to see, right from within, the Bible blames her for sin.
Some with their male dominant Gods didn’t stop to think, just in a wink her virtues were taken with ink.
I write this Ode to Mother’s, All Mother’s and Mothers to be on behalf of all children, young and old…. Born and unborn. Your horror stories will go untold……. You did what you had to, your heart is gold.
There is no gift, no flower, no card, we can send, to make up or apologize when we offend.
If you don’t believe me open your eyes and see, what we have done to the Earth, Land, Air, and Sea.
Yes, the greatest example to witness a Mother who continues to give, though we abuse her, poison her, limit her growth… She Is Our Great Mother Earth. An Ode to a Mother’s Love, unconditional, unending, forever comforting.
Thank you Mothers, All Mothers….. You are God on Earth.
Submitted for Mother’s Day by Senator Positive Nelson.
Tags: mother's day