ST. THOMAS — The Virgin Islands Next Generation Network (viNGN), revealed during a board meeting held on June 1 that it had extended its fiber optic broadband service to 12 local internet service providers (ISPs), with company President and CEO Mark McGibbon describing the progress to board members as a bright spot for the government-owned entity.
The local ISPs currently working with viNGN include Broadband VI, Orbitel, Surge Broadband, Cable System Services VI, FirstPhase DataComm, One Stop Wireless, ADM Wireless, SmartNet/Alliance, UVI, High Tide Solutions, Omni Systems, and the Bureau of Information Technology, according to Mr. McGibbon.
The CEO also attempted to clarify the purpose of viNGN, stating that the company serves as a “middle mile provider” of wholesale broadband Internet bandwidth throughout the territory, and provides access to that bandwidth to Virgin Islands’ local ISPs who in turn provide that service to the community at large.
Board members were briefed on the relaunch of the newly updated viNGN website that also now has the addition of ePayment America, which will allow local ISP customers to pay their invoices online.
Mr. McGibbon updated the board on the addition of an enterprise architect to the viNGN team, who is focused on helping local ISP customers conduct business development with businesses, residents and the government. He also announced the beginning of viNGN’s search to identify a chief information security officer to add additional security to what was described as viNGN’s already “robustly secured” platform, which will help to develop training and security exercises.
The CEO also updated the board on the continued work around the territory’s public computing centers (PCCs), which include 22 Virgin Islands’ government agencies and 11 nonprofit organizations. Recent upgrades to the PCCs include the replacement of 5 computers (which includes monitors, keyboards, mice, among other accessories).
A highlight at the meeting was the progress being made by the PCCs, including specific examples of individuals who have taken advantage of access to the centers and the training courses currently available to the local community. It was also announced that PCC Manager Anita Davis, who assists with administration of the PCCs for viNGN, with the help of a dedicated group of volunteers, is also continuing to develop the recently announced viNGN Mobile PCC Lab, which will allow on-the-go, “computer literacy training” and “basic computer science-related demonstrations,” at any location where a Wi-Fi Internet connection is available.
The firm was established in 2010 as a public corporation. It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority. viNGN was funded primarily from an American Recovery and Reinvestment Act grant made by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) as part of a federal program to improve the broadband capacity in the United States, its territories, and the District of Columbia.
The program, which was originally called the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP), and is now designated as Broadband USA. For more information regarding viNGN, call (340) 715-8581, or visit
Tags: broadband USVI, us virgin islands, vingn