ST. THOMAS — The Virgin Islands Port Authority on Monday announced that it has set a September 16 reopening date for daily commercials flight at the Cyrile E. King Airport, but stressed that the date is tentative, and could change. V.I.P.A. has been working to get the airport back online, after it sustained what V.I.P.A. described as “extensive” damage during Hurricane Irma.
V.I.P.A. also announced that American Airlines will resume flights to St. Croix on Tuesday.
The authority is encouraging the public to call their respective airlines to verify flight information to and from the territory:
- American Airlines: 1-800-433-7300
- Cape Air: 1-800-352-0714
- Delta Airlines: 1-800-221-1212
- Jet Blue: 1-800-538-2583
- Seaborne Airlines: 1-800-359-8687
- Spirit Airlines: 1-800-772-7117
- United Airlines: 1-800-864-8331
- US Airways: 1-800-428-4322
- All seaports on St. Croix are open and fully operational.
- The is currently no seaplane service available. VIPA will announce when service resumes.
- All seaports in the St. Thomas/St. John district are open. However, service between Cruz Bay, St. John and Red Hook, St. Thomas is limited to daylight hours only.
- All VIPA employees should report to work. Employee identification badges may be used as a curfew pass.
For more information, please contact VIPA’s public relations office at (340) 714-6639
Tags: cyrile e. king airport