Nestled in the heart of Havensight Plaza is a new adventure designed as a life-sized brainteaser to test your wits. For the month of July, Xcape: A Pop-Up Escape Room, will immerse locals and visitors in rooms that contain clues, cleaver gags, and puzzles where the goal is to “escape.”
Offering the first of its kind in the Virgin Islands, XR Entertainment will present a fully immersive and unique experience where the clock starts to tick the second you enter the room. With only 60 minutes to complete the game, hidden items throughout the rooms are all elements of the Xcape.
Dubbed “Blackbeard’s Lost Treasure,” this month’s theme taps into history in a fun and creative manner. Live Escape Rooms are all the rage these days and have experienced growth and progression in recent years. “I was first introduced to escape rooms through online gaming,” said Kisha Corbett, a partner of Xcape Virgin Islands. She has been addicted to escape rooms since her first experience in Ohio. “The ability to bring something like this to the islands is like a dream come true. It is a little challenging because our locals are not familiar with it,” Corbett further explains. She wants everyone to know that it is nothing like the movie but instead good, clean fun.
Since its launch on July 01, 2019, Xcape has provided an entertainment alternative for locals and visitors alike. Alkin Paul, a first-timer to live escape rooms, went in not knowing what to expect. “As a very competitive individual, I went in thinking it would be a walk in the park and that we would come out victorious,” said Paul. He encourages everyone to choose their fellow participants carefully because frustration builds as you work against the clock to find Blackbeard’s hidden treasure. Although Paul and his team did not solve the puzzle, he is adamant about giving it another try before Xcape wraps up at the end of the month.
In this real-life experience, the door locks once you enter the room. However, for everyone’s safety or in the event of an emergency the doors can be unlocked quickly. So far, the time to beat is 52:45. This may change soon as intrigued players continue to flock to Xcape to find Blackbeard’s Lost Treasure. There is still time to book this one of a kind experience. While the piracy themed adventure ends on July 31st, XR Entertainment plans to continue designing innovative and compelling escape rooms for Xcape VI. See if you can complete the mission and find Blackbeard’s Lost Treasure! Visit their website at and follow them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @xcapevi.