ST. CROIX — Four men were shot Friday night in the David Hamilton Jackson Terrace housing community while sitting on a bench, according to information provided by V.I.P.D. Public Information Officer Glen Dratte.
Calls about the incident were received by the 911 emergency call center at 8:56 p.m. Two of the male victims were transported to the Juan F. Luis Hospital via ambulance, while two others were taken to the medical facility by private vehicle.

Mr. Dratte said a group of male individuals were sitting on a bench when a vehicle drove in and opened fire, striking four of the men — all of whom sustained serious injuries from what the V.I.P.D. described as a “high-powered rifle”. As of Friday night, they were all in serious but stable condition, police said.
One victim, age 20, was shot in the stomach and hip. Another, age 46, was shot in the left thigh and transported himself to the hospital. The third victim, age 23 was shot in the buttocks, and the fourth, age 21, sustained injuries in the leg, buttocks and stomach, according to police.
The V.I.P.D. is asking community members to provide information relative to this incident by submitting an anonymous tip to Crime Stoppers USVI here.
Feature Image: An ambulance is parked at the Juan F. Luis Hospital, still flashing emergency lights, after transporting victims to the hospital’s emergency room. (VI Consortium)