VIPD Commissioner Nominee Trevor Velinor was pulled from Monday’s Senate session agenda after he failed to show up to be further queried about recent criminal activity in the territory. It’s been nine months since Governor Albert Bryan took the oath of office, and the USVI’s public safety arm still remains without an approved commissioner at the helm.
According to Senate President Novelle Francis, the commissioner nominee was removed from the agenda because aside from not appearing, senators were concerned about crime activity that occurred after Mr. Velinor was approved by Rules and Judiciary committee members. Lawmakers, Mr. Francis said, “needed to have further discussions in regards with his plans to address crime in territory.” Mr. Velinor sent the Senate a letter stating he was off island for medical reasons.
Senators approved a number of bills as well, including loitering and backseat seatbelt measures.
And they passed resolutions honoring two well-known individuals in the U.S. Virgin Islands: Bill No. 33-0020, a resolution honoring and commending Tishelle Knight, lead singer of Cool Session Brass, for her accomplishments, service and musical contributions to the Virgin Islands; and Bill No. 33-0060, a resolution posthumously honoring and commending Alvin “Ali” Paul for his contributions to the culture of the Virgin Islands through the Mocko Jumbie art form, were approved by senators.

Bill No. 33-0082, an Act honoring and commending Robert O’Connor, Jr. for his commitment to the people of the Virgin Islands through his service as a senator, his membership on the Port Authority board and his work as a community leader by naming the new Port Authority maintenance building in his honor, was also approved.
Additionally, Christopher Finch was approved to become a member of the Virgin Islands Government Hospitals and Health Facilities Corporation; Dr. Brian Bacot was approved to become a member of the Board of Medical Examiners in the St. Thomas/St. John District, and Rupert Ross was approved as the director for the Bureau of Information Technology.
Correction: Sept. 17, 2019
A previous version of this story, going based on information provided by the Legislature’s Office of Public Affairs, stated that Trevor Velinor was approved during Monday’s Senate session. Mr. Velinor was actually removed from the agenda because he did not show up to the hearing and senators had concerns they wanted answers to relative to recent criminal activity territory-wide. The story has been updated to reflect the correct information.