Last updated at 12:19 p.m. on Sat. Sept. 21, 2019
St. John — The Virgin Islands Police Department is searching for a missing person on St. John — a 48-year-old woman named Lucy Schuhmann, who visited the island from Louisville, Kentucky.
The V.I.P.D. is asking the community for assistance in locating the individual, and has asked residents to call 340-776-9110 if Ms. Schumann is spotted.
According to police, on Friday the owner of the Coral Bay rental unit called 911 at 6:18 p.m. and reported that Ms. Schuhmann left the unit in a rented yellow Jeep Wrangler. She was expected to checkout of the unit and return the rented Jeep on Thursday, however she hasn’t been seen since 8:00 a.m. Wednesday.

A search on the Park was ongoing as of Saturday morning according to the V.I.P.D.
Her rental car was found at the National Park near Salt Pond beach area but nothing suspicious was suspected, the V.I.P.D. said. Park Rangers were notified and an inspection of the waters surrounding the Salt Pond was conducted with negative findings.
Contact was made with Ms. Schumann’s family on the mainland who indicated that she likes to hike and adventure out in areas such as the Park.
The St. John Rescue, the National Park Rangers and the VIPD have been searching for Ms. Schuhmann.
She is said to be 5 feet, 8 inches tall, of a slim build, and has blue eyes.