Attorney General Denise George on Tuesday welcomed representatives from the National Attorneys General Training & Research Institute (NAGTRI) to the territory during an event at the Windward Passage Hotel in St. Thomas, the V.I. Department of Justice has announced.
The NAGTRI faculty of trainers are in the territory holding a four-day trial advocacy training for V.I. assistant attorneys general.
The program, which began Tuesday, will include presentations on different aspects of trial practice, workshops and a final mock trial, the V.I. D.O.J. said.
The NAGTRI team, based in Washington, D.C. is known as the training and research arm of the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG). Its mission is to provide high-quality, non-partisan, and innovative training, research, and other developmental resources to support state and territorial attorneys general offices.

During opening remarks, A.G. George emphasized the importance of the V I. D.O.J.’s work and the significance of continuous legal training.
“It’s so important for us to have constant training for our attorneys not only to maintain professional licensure, but also for professional development. Even for the greatest and experienced attorneys, training assists us in sharpening our skills and that, in turn, helps us do our jobs better,” Ms. Geroge said. She thanked the NAGTRI instructors for providing the in-house program and thanked the staff for embracing the “top-notch” training that the department believes will provide value.
The presenters, among them Cynthia Mahon from the Office of the Attorney General of Connecticut, and Anthony Picione from the Office of the Attorney General of New Jersey, focused on case theories. Participants were also engaged in group discussions and learned more about cross examinations, ethics and civility and persuasive closing arguments, the V.I. D.O.J. said.
Attendees described the training as timely and informative in honing their skills and professional development.
“One of my priorities is to have continuous training and professional development as we go forward. I am optimistic about our partnership with NAAG;” Ms. George added.
Ari Telisman of NAGTRI said, “When there is a head of an office like Attorney General George, who wants to prioritize training, that’s fantastic. Our goal at NAGTRI is to serve every state and territorial attorneys general office around the country by bringing out the best in everyone, so that is what we will do over the next four days.”