ST. JOHN — The Committee on Housing, Public Works, Waste Management & Planning, chaired by Sen. Marvin Blyden, held a meeting on Wednesday at the Cleone Henrietta Creque Legislative Conference Room to vote and approve several zoning permits.
One of the permits that lawmakers considered and approved was David and Cheryl McDaniel’s CZJ-20-11, a permit which allows the use and occupancy of a rectangular shaped floating dock with 153ft of water area. The floating dock is permitted to be in the water during the months of November through May. The structure is located seaward of parcel No. 200-C-2A Estate Fish Bay, St. John in Fish Bay.
Mr. McDaniel stated that the dock will be used seasonally between the months of November through May, and that it is solely for personal use. He added that the material used to build the dock is environmentally friendly. “The dock will be made with high density cubes that will have little impact on the shoreline. The materials used to build the dock are environmentally compatible. The floating dock will not rust, corrode or leak chemicals into the water,” he said.
Similarly, Assistant Director of Coastal Zone and Management of the Department of Planning and Natural Resources, Gregory Richards, stated the surrounding area is currently sandy and rocky. “The dock will not negatively impact the environment but will provide safe access to the boat. The permit will be issued for ten years and there will be a rental fee of a $1,000 that will eventually increase,” Mr. Richards said.
“If the permit is not renewed after ten years, can the public access it?” asked Sen. Dwayne DeGraff. Mr. Richards stated that since the dock will be built on the McDaniels property, anyone using the dock without permission would be trespassing.
“You stated that the dock will have no impact on the environment,” said Sen. Blyden. He asked, “Are you familiar with the materials used to build the dock?” In response, Mr. Richards said, “No, not particularly this one. However, there are other environmentally friendly docks in the territory.”
Queried by Sen. Jean Forde on the impact to the environment, Mr. McDaniel stated that the only impact will be the installation on the shoreline in which two sand screws will be placed on the shoreline above ground that will connect to the dock.
Sen. Brian Smith shared his suggestion to enhance safety measures to the dock that will deter crimes and boating accidents. “There needs to be a light around the dock that will prevent accidents and criminal activity,” he said. Mr. McDaniel stated currently there is reflective tape on the dock. However, the lights can be added.
Separately, lawmakers voted favorably for the following:
WVJD, LLC. (CZJ-22-16(W) – This permit allows installation of four swimming buoys spaced approximately 40 feet apart, and one (1) channel marker to create a 190-foot wide swimming area and a 38-foot wide dinghy access channel seaward of parcel No. 4A Estate Cruz Bay. In addition, this permit authorizes the installation of two (2) private moorings (Nos. 1 and 2 on the referenced drawings) a minimum of 15 feet off of the swimming area.
Lovango Shores, LLC. (CZJ-27-16(W) – This permit supersedes minor CZM Permit CZJ-O1-03W and allows the continued use and occupancy of an existing 5′ wide ‘L’ shaped dock (434’ 2” ft of water area). The dock is located in Pillsbury Sound, seaward of Parcel I Remainder, Lovango Cay, St. John, as depicted on OLG Map# D9-71 38-T002.
However, the following was held in committee:
Bill No. 32-0008- An Act amending title 25 Virgin Islands Code chapter 16, section 405, relating to mooring and anchoring fees to provide for fee reductions for senior citizens and persons with a disability and veterans
All items approved will be forwarded to the Committee of the Whole for further consideration.
Tags: coastal zoning, us virgin islands